List of javascript libraries which I had used over the years. Take note that the listing here will be somewhat opinionated.
Backbone stack
- Backbone (used up to 1.1.1)
- Backbone.Marionette - this makes Backbone much much more easier
- Backbone-relational - I used this to make nested Backbone models
- Backbone.stickit - used to support two-way data binding for Backbone
Extjs 3.X stack
- Ext JS 3.X (used up to 3.4)
- jQuery (used up to 1.11)
- Handling event which ExtJS cannot support very well eg hide and show on some elements
- Allows this $(“#header”).html() to complement usage of other templating libraries
- More comfortable in using this to handle templating as compared to using Ext.Template or Ext.XTemplate
- Font Awesome - used in template but not directly on Ext JS generated div
With ExtJS as the main libraries, the other libraries are used to complement the weaker points on ExtJS
jQuery and its plugins
- jQuery (used up to 1.11)
- jQuery File Download very useful for Single Page Application to implement file download without affecting the rest of the page
- Minimalect - good to use if don’t want to use Select2
- MultiDatesPicker - used this to add additional features to jQuery UI datepicker
- qTip2 - used this to enhance the tooltip display
- jquery Timepicker - used this to add additional features to jQuery UI datepicker
- iCheck - used this to enhance checkboxes
CSS style frameworks/libraries
- SASS/SCSS (node-sass based)
- Bootstrap (up to 3.0) coupled with Bootswatch
Grid libraries
- DataTables - the first one which I will try if I’m using Bootstrap
- jqGrid - the API is abit messy as compared to DataTables but during that short period of time I cannot find a suitable library which can do subgrids, pivot grid, comprehensive grouping option with grouping summary
If Ext.js is not around or simply cannot use Ext JS’ grid to get the job done
Testing libaries
So far, I only used this to completment the Selenium testings in Java BDD
Other supporting Javascript libraries
- Humanize-plus - makes it easier to format Currencies and Numbers etc
- buckets - got something like java.util.Map for Javascript
- math.js - got something like Java’s Math.abs for Javascript
- Browserify - this provides an easier way to integrate with existing website as compared to RequireJS
- RequireJS this library makes me feel more comfortable with forming up the web client bundle especially if you have a lot of Javascript libraries
Currently Learning
- Vue.JS 2
Looks interesting but no chance to use yet
- From Backbone’s model straight to database ? BackboneORM, Bookshelf.js
- Alternative client side routing instead of using Backbone’s route - Crossroads.js, flatiron’s Director, Finch.js
- Generate spritesheet - grunt-spritesmith
- Paperclip.js
- FormatJS
- slick - the last carousel
- uilang
- Drag and drop etc
- Buttons
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